File Naming:
You can easily create your own formats for your SharePoint document management numbers according to your company standards. JungleDoc allows you to create different formats for different SharePoint content types, document libraries, departments and projects.
Examples of file naming:
1. Using Source item column name.
Example: Invoice for {Customer}
Result: Invoice for Contoso, Ltd
(Invoice for - static text; Contoso, Ltd - Source Item Column Name, in this example it is {Customer})
2. Using {Today}, {Me}, {Now} functions.
Example: Leave request - {Me}
Result: Leave request – Marta Sidun
(Leave request - static text; Marta Sidun - document author)
3. Unique numbering using {GetNextNumberedValue} function.
{GetNextNumberedValue ("ResultField"; FormatDate(Now(); "DateParameter") & "static text"; "PadLeft($NextNumber; "totalWidth"; "paddingChar")}
"ResultFied" - usually "BaseName" (Document Name without extension)
"DateParameter" - There are following custom format specifiers: y (year), M (month), d (day), h (hour 12), H (hour 24), m (minute), s (second), f (second fraction), F (second fraction, trailing zeroes are trimmed), t (P.M or A.M) and z (time zone). You can use also date separator “/” (slash) and time separator “:” (colon).
"totalWidth" - The number of characters in the resulting string, equal to the number of original characters plus any additional padding characters.
"paddingChar" - A Unicode padding character.
{GetNextNumberedValue("BaseName"; "P-" & FormatDate(Now(); "yy") & "-"; "PadLeft($NextNumber; 2; "0")"; "")}
(P - static text, 12 - the current year, 001 - a unique number)
Result: P-12-01
{GetNextNumberedValue("BaseName"; "INTE-"; "PadLeft($NextNumber; 5; "0")"; "")}
Result: INTE-00001
(INTE - static text, 00001 - a unique number)
{GetNextNumberedValue("BaseName"; FormatDate(Now(); "yyyy") & "-"; PadLeft($NextNumber; 2; "0")"; "-INTE"; "")}
Result: 2012-01-INTE
(2012 - the current year, 01 - a unique number, INTE - static text,)
Set column values
Formula examples:
Me = my name (Author).
Now() = Today's date and time.
Today = Today‘s date
Field1 & Field2 = Merge values of two fields.
Field1 & „ Static text“ = merge values of field and static text
Field1 + Field2 = the sum of Field1 and Field2 values.
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